Friday, March 20, 2020

Da, da, da, da, da, da, da - da, da, da, da, da - dadadadada...

The Jeopardy theme song (did you catch that's what I was doing with the title?) - this song brings up a wealth of memories like watching it with my grandma as we ate dinner but even more so, when someone is waiting for me to do something.  Which leads me to my current thoughts...


I love procrastinating sometimes.  Like right now. I'm writing this instead of grading the last twenty first-drafts you all submitted.  Sorry!  And now I'm feeling guilty about it.  That's the nasty part of procrastination.  The guilt always gets to me.  But I'm a great procrastinator.  I can be the most productive procrastinator you've ever met.  My husband is in awe of how much I can get done in a day and yet, sometimes, it feels like I've done nothing because I haven't done the things I need to.  A frustrating cycle.

In light of all the individual responsibility and time management that will need to occur over the next couple weeks, procrastination is going to be the beast to wrestle.  How do I fight the urge to just read the book that's staring at me?  Or sleep in?  Or go for a walk instead of checking Remind texts? Or manage a cooking lesson with Dylan instead of grading discussion board posts?

And maybe that's not all bad.  I've noticed the last couple years that I've been very wrapped up in the to-do list instead of the doing or even just the being.  It's probably okay that some things don't get done right away.  It's probably okay I take a break from the current work to be with my kiddos in their moments, especially over these few weeks where there's uncertainty and distance and new hills to overcome. 

However, I can't be so wrapped up in the "being in the moment" that my works becomes neglected.  The flip side of procrastination is that it can also distract us from what actually needs to be done.  It brings resistance and resistance to the work at hand is not necessarily right.

It's about balance.  So in these next few weeks, I hope to find a better balance on my life - between work and my kids and myself.

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